Yard was originally a workman style concept movie, dirty gear, boots and rugged, rough sex. We stripped it back to jocks & boots and kept all the hard action for the wood pallets… 40 of them to be precise! Yard was one of those movies that just flowed amazingly easily in production, each model totally pushed the boat out in terms of their performances and the action, each scene was impressive as fuck and a breeze to shoot. Each scene really blew us away and I (JP) honestly couldn’t pick a personal favourite, a very good sign! The strongly coloured halogen lights cascading over the rough brickwork added a gorgeous backdrop for the boys but gave it that distinctly HotJocks feel. All credit to co-director Sam Barclay for that arrangement, a visually stunning movie! We had loads of fun making it, as always we had a great laugh on set, loads of fun camaraderie with the models, directors. Making the hottest, high quality British porn out there… and trying to avoid getting any splinters!
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Yard was originally a workman style concept movie, dirty gear, boots and rugged, rough sex. We stripped it back to jocks & boots and kept all the hard action for the wood pallets… 40 of them to be precise! Yard was one of those movies that just flowed amazingly easily in production, each model totally pushed the boat out in terms of their performances and the action, each scene was impressive as fuck and a breeze to shoot. Each scene really blew us away and I (JP) honestly couldn’t pick a personal favourite, a very good sign! The strongly coloured halogen lights cascading over the rough brickwork added a gorgeous backdrop for the boys but gave it that distinctly HotJocks feel. All credit to co-director Sam Barclay for that arrangement, a visually stunning movie! We had loads of fun making it, as always we had a great laugh on set, loads of fun camaraderie with the models, directors. Making the hottest, high quality British porn out there… and trying to avoid getting any splinters!