A new journey begins as handsome, young John takes home a fellow student one fateful night in “The Stag.” The sexy Promethean finds exactly what he’s looking for in the college freshman, Bryant, leading to a passionate exploration of their chemistry and sexuality.
John and his French lover, Jean, scurry off to a private room to strip off their clothes and lose themselves in a wild night of historic barebacking.
New & full length episodes download at GrowlBoys. Welcome.
Trojan Horse begins with Brody stuck in the facility’s bathroom, completely transformed with only a locked door to keep him from being exposed.
Before he can devise an escape plan, his comrades break through his defenses, seeing him for what he truly is! With his gift of strength and speed, he manages to just barely slip past them, running deep into the surrounding woods.
Once there, he finds himself captivated by an intoxicating scent, one that sends his mind into a state of pleasure and peace.
A strange figure bearing a set of horns on his head and a massive cock between his legs emerges from the forest. Brody gladly takes him inside, unaware of what the stranger has in store for him later….
This week on Growlboys, the “Big Cat” story concludes as the cheetah Promethean Sam continues being held captive by the sadistic club owner, Steve. Luckily, a handsome hero is making his way to find him and release him.
“Sweet Release” follows satyr Damien on the hunt for Sam, trying his best to track him and bring him to a place of safety. Once the older man finds the secret sex club, he sees the way in which his Promethean children have been used and abused.
He cannot let this stand and immediately seeks a private meeting with the muscle bound monster, Steve. Steve believes he’s just dealing with another desperate customer, only to find he’s face to pace with a power stronger and more potent than he could ever imagine.
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