In the new video at CFNMTV, Mr McIntyre has suffered at the hands of Grace and Sophie before. They have already taught him that his place is at their feet – servile in front of them. But he has angered them by daring to wear clothes in their presence. Now, with him stripped naked and yelping, they proceed to chase him around the confined room, cornering him and beating him as punishment.
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In the new video at CFNMTV, Cameron was the pride of the household, the privileged elder son of a long and distinguished line of blue bloods. And, in one swift mood, a woman who he thought was only a lowly maid has turned him into a groveling naked slave. Far too accustomed to the plush cozy life of the wealthy, the thought of being thrown out to the filthy streets fills him with dread. He’s willing to do anything the women say.