Modern lads are great when they’re sent down. They are so used to pampering the punishment is 10 times worse for the young. Add in a middle class background and prison is virtually intolerable. And don’t the prison officers know it! They live for getting jumped up lads sent to them and relish stripping them naked regularly and embarrassing the shit out of them. Of course the very best way of doing that is with a mandatory ice cold hosing down…
StripSearchHell – new cmnm scene
Modern lads are great when they’re sent down. They are so used to pampering the punishment is 10 times worse for the young. Add in a middle class background and prison is virtually intolerable. And don’t the prison officers know it! They live for getting jumped up lads sent to them and relish stripping them naked regularly and embarrassing the shit out of them. Of course the very best way of doing that is with a mandatory ice cold hosing down…