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At, Every night is an adventure and sexual discovery. Some days he tensely waits naked under his wife’s feet. Other days he’s made to serve dozens of women at a luncheon while he’s totally in the buff. But tonight he’s shocked to find his cock being pleasured and his arsehole teased by his wife and her friend Catherine. Bryan is overcome with excitement.
At, it may be going against his principles and everything he’s been trained to believe, but now Hasip stands naked before the women he feels such a fucking thrill at the forbidden nature of his total exposure. He nervously awaits this boss lady’s judgement. It’s her approval he needs to launch what he feels will be his inevitable stardom!
At, Liam has steadily been led through the humiliating stages of punishment for peeping on the girls. He’s stripped down, submitted to their groping hands and even debased himself by crawling naked over the floor to worship their shoes! But now that he’s been led this far he doesn’t see how he can refuse Ms Langdon’s order that he kneel naked on the desk so the girls can get a lesson in taking a man’s arse!
Oleg is off his face in the club at His greed has got the better of him and the chemicals coursing through his system are affecting his judgment. Now totally naked and in the clutches of the women in the toilet he is utterly helpless as they laugh and grab handfuls of his big cock and play with his ass.
At, Kate Stone has used her influence over svengali Simon Cavill to get pop star Lloyd McAndrews in for a photo shoot. The inexperienced young lad has no idea what’s in store for him as he stands there dumbly. To begin with it all seemed harmless enough – but now Kate is ramping up the pressure. Her readers want to see much more flesh than Lloyd is comfortable displaying.
At, it’s bad enough that Chris has been caught jerking off in the boys’ toilets, but the girls also took a video of it. He can’t help imagining everyone in his life watching it and laughing at his shame! His friends, his neightbours, his family, his ancient old auntie! Everyone will see him tugging on his prick with his balls ready to burst! What can he do?!
At, Ms Charlesworth has ordered the humiliated naked boy to climb up on the desk and present his arse to them. Chris is burning with shame but can see no alternative that won’t result in him being expelled from school and branded a pervert. When he joined this bodybuilding class all he wanted to do was flaunt his muscles – not his ass!
At, models Gina and Abby have lured Hasip into their studio but first he must pass Belinda’s approval. She’s very picky about the men she has in her exclusive videos. The boy does seem very shy and nervous which is a turn on. But from the slovenly look of him he doesn’t appear too promising, but once the girls lift up his shirt she starts to get ideas…
CFNM scenes in the office featured at Join!
Handsome hard-bodied Darius arrives at the immigration office in the new story at He faces hard hitting questioner Lucinda who sees an opportunity to take advantage of this sexy man. It’s demanded that he remove his clothes or else he’ll be swiftly shown to the door.
At, the women knew exactly how to manipulate this big lunkhead. He couldn’t stop himself from being overcome with pride at their attention and now he’s been led so far into the process that he doesn’t know how he can get out. His naked body has been captured on camera for the first time and if these pictures get out it might ruin him and the strong proud image he’s spent years building!
At, Liam thought he was having a bad time before Ms Robenshaw went. But now the teacher has departed and left the school bully Nicole in charge – things are far, far worse for the helpless schoolboy. With Ashley as her willing accomplice she wastes no time in getting him on up a desk ready to have his ass plundered.
At, the clever group of girls have found a brilliant solution to winning the fundraising competition between students. First they lure in men with willies they can’t control… then they tie them up in extra services they have to pay heavily for! They are going to make oodles of cash and fulfil all their desires to use the sexy bodies of their schoolmates by stripping them and rendering them totally vulnerable!
In the new story ‘Rugby Hunk’s Injury’ at, Brian starts to feel more and more tense as Kimberly conducts the routine examination and strapping to ensure he’s in top condition before the match. For him, being naked around the determined woman makes him uncomfortable. It would be a disaster if he were to become aroused in front of her. But her delicate touch is already starting to affect his heightened senses.
At, Liam is totally baffled by Ms Langdon’s unorthodox punishment for his peeping on the girls. Shouldn’t he just be given detention or a written warning?! Instead here he is stark naked and at the mercy of these insatiably curious girls who paw over his body like they own him. He doesn’t see how he’ll ever live down this shame!
At, Ms Charlesworth and the girls think Chris looks especially sexy flat on his back with his big gonads hanging between his legs and his pink virgin arsehole on show. It makes them ravenous and dare to utterly defile him right here in the middle of the classroom!