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Chain and Aaron know what you guys wanna see, and they’re happy to get some help with their dick from a good buddy too. Crossing the line and giving each other some stroking is just the start, Chain even gets his slippery cock rubbing between Aaron’s virgin ass cheeks, and both the guys splash their cum over each other!
Chain is one of those real hot rough boys we'd see at the bar and probably avoid, but secretly lust after. The thing is, he's real curious about cock, and when he gets the chance to share his dick with other guys he's hard and throbbing and ready to shoot some jizz! He even licks up some hot loads too!
I know what you're thinking, you would love to show this straight thug boy what a real cock sucking feels like. No chick can possibly handle that curved 9 inch cock like a greedy cock sucking guy can, but for now he's happy just getting the guys off watching him beating that meat. Maybe that will change when some dude comes along and asks to service it?