Side-show Bob here really thinks he’s a clever cunt. He’s made a foolish error to let the pigs arrest him and get sent down ahead of the trial. A trial in which he will be found not guilty of course! All this is rather beneath him. He’s big and muscular and is going to be the cleverest on the wing. No doubt he’ll teach some of the stupider crims how to read and help with their letters from home. All the while he’ll have a big fat grin on his face because he’s more intelligent than all the prison warders AND the governor…
StripSearchHell Scene
Side-show Bob here really thinks he’s a clever cunt. He’s made a foolish error to let the pigs arrest him and get sent down ahead of the trial. A trial in which he will be found not guilty of course! All this is rather beneath him. He’s big and muscular and is going to be the cleverest on the wing. No doubt he’ll teach some of the stupider crims how to read and help with their letters from home. All the while he’ll have a big fat grin on his face because he’s more intelligent than all the prison warders AND the governor…