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Hammerhead is a handsome guy who decided to stop by. Curiosity got the better of him, he says. He also says he’s pretty straight, but you know when a guy doesn’t seem totally clear on it it’s like a red flag to a bull for us! The sexy guy gets his pink cock out and shows us what he’s playing with, jerking off to some pussy, but it’s the sucking Joe gives him that seems to get that meat real hard and throbbing. He has fun jerking it out and giving Joe a taste of his cum, we get the feeling you guys are gonna want more of him after this.
He’s a good looking guy with a sexy smooth body and a mushroom-headed cock. Although he says he’s pretty straight he came to make some videos because he’s a little curious. His cock sure is curious, getting hard in Joe’s mouth on his very first visit. We’re hoping to see more from this sexy guy, we’ve got a good feeling about him.